No fluoro powders may be used in regular season meets.
At the Conference Level, coaches may cooperatively decide whether or not they will permit the use of LF or HF glide waxes for regular season and conference meets. The decision would be left up to each conference/meet director to decide on the own ruling and policy. The recommendation of the Minnesota HS Nordic Ski Coaches Association is to limit and ultimately eliminate the use of any quantity of fluorinated glide waxes.
The "Wax Truce" is a self-governed agreement and honor system, not the job of an official or regulatory police. Coaches are accountable to their association agreement and fair sportsmanship amongst their peers/colleagues. It will be the job of the coach to educate and inform their skiers, assistant coaches, volunteers, parents to also follow these rules as they are ultimately responsible if these rules are violated.
Consequences for infractions will be handled at the conference level or Section level. Infractions may include suspensions, time or score penalties, forfeits, meet restrictions, etc.... if policing the policy and "busting" kids, parents and coaches becomes a issue (negligence and just plain ignorance), further discussion will evolve to consider future considerations and options.
The purpose of the wax truce is to improve the health and safety (fluorocarbon wax applications with heat) and to "level the playing field" for all teams and individuals, eliminating any financial limitations that may exist (not to mention the time constraints on coaches and team budgets). The success or failure of this truce will lie greatly in the adoption and implementation of the decision of our Coaches Association beginning at the conference level and up. Here are the links for information from states/regions who have already implemented the policy: